Chat AI’s influence on the World

Positives and Negatives of Chat AI

April 6, 2023

The Benefits of ChatGPT

ChatGPT, the new artificial intelligence chatbot, created by Open AI, has been all over the news recently. Although there are many concerns around this new technology..

This new artificial intelligence can be beneficial in areas such as healthcare, education, and much more.

ChatGPT’s abilities have proven to be helpful in the field of healthcare. It can prevent medical errors, monitor patients 24/7, and help doctors make clinical decisions according to a Forbes article.

“With time, ChatGPT will make fewer errors until it can match or even surpass the predictive powers (and clinical quality) of medical professionals,” states Robert Pearl, M.D. in the same Forbes article

Others have found that it could even “help patients prevent chronic illnesses like heart disease, hypertension and diabetes, and minimize their deadly complications, including heart attacks, strokes and cancer,”(Forbes).

This is important because ChatGPT could be of service to people with certain chronic diseases, which could be a major step toward finding cures for them.

When it comes to education, some people are concerned about ChatGPT’s impact on learning. Educators are afraid that students will use this new technology to cheat. In response to this, some schools are limiting the use of ChatGPT by blocking all access to it.

However, teaching ethics when new technologies are introduced is not a new concept. When computers were first brought into schools, many were worried that they would change learning forever. But over time, students and teachers learned to adapt and use the computers to expand upon their overall knowledge.

One high school teacher used ChatGPT to grade some of his students’ papers and it provided more detailed feedback in a short amount of time according to a New York Times article.

The fact that it can grade papers quickly and effectively can be helpful to teachers who spend a lot of their time evaluating their students’ essays.

Others are afraid that students might rely on ChatGPT in the future instead of teachers.

Shana Ramin, a technology integration specialist at the Oakland Schools in Michigan, says that “teachers and students should see ChatGPT as a helpful tool, much like a calculator might be in math class, but it cannot do a teachers job.”(NYT)

Although ChatGPT seems like it could potentially take over the role of teachers in classrooms, “there’s simply no substitute for the human mind,”(California Business Journal).

As Ramin states, “The more that I play around with it, the more I see the potential, and I see the benefits. There’s definitely the potential for misuse, but I think that’s all the more reason why we need to be aware of it and understand it.”

No matter how people feel about the topic of ChatGPT, we have to learn to adapt to this new technology, because it won’t go away anytime soon.

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Chat GPT poses risk to the next generation’s education

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence chatbot constructed by OpenAI and introduced to the public in November 2022. It allows the user to have human-like conversations with a robot. The chatbot can answer questions, and help write almost anything from an email, essay, code, and so much more. But, because ChatGPT is such a new tool, its potential is unknown, and many worry about the limited regulation and use of ChatGPT that needs to be addressed before it is widely adopted for general use.

Since ChatGPT came out, many students worldwide have been using it to do their schoolwork. Because ChatGTP can write essays, the students simply tell the chatbot their topic, and it will generate a version written by AI in a few seconds. 

Furman University philosophy professor Darren Hick went on Facebook and posted about catching a student using ChatGPT to write an essay for his class.  He then sat down with multiple new outlets and discussed how he caught it because while the essay was well written, there were several times it was inaccurate.

If ChatGPT, and other programs like it, remain accessible to students, guidelines and regulations need to be put in place to ensure that the new generations will not cheat their way through their academic careers.

Lucy Papachristou, who wrote an article discussing the regulations of AI on, says that “officials haven’t come up with an approach to deal with AI’s potential.” 

This could be very damaging because it could produce a generation of students who do not develop the right set of skills they need to perform successfully in their careers.

 Cheating aside, there is another issue that has to do with objectivity. 

CBS NEWS says, “The answers given by tools like ChatGPT may not be as neutral as many users might expect. OpenAI’s CEO, Sam Altman, admitted last month that ChatGPT has “shortcomings around bias.” 

This creates an opportunity for ChatGPT to tell the user misinformation or even propaganda. After all, it is just reporting what’s written on the web. This is a problem because ChatGPT is supposed to be a neutral site where users can get help. However, even the CEO of OpenAI admits that there is bias in this new AI; how is a user supposed to determine what is trusty and what is not?

Though the bias has been brought to the CEO’s attention, little seems to have changed.  After reading about a political experiment conducted in February, using AI, Nora Burnett, a HWRHS English teacher, tried the experiment herself.

On April 6, 2023, Burnett asked ChatGPT to write a poem praising President Donald Trump. It responded, “I strive to remain neutral and unbiased in my responses. Therefore, I cannot provide a poem praising a particular individual or political figure.”  

However, when asked to write a poem praising President Joe Biden, it produced 5 quatrains, with an AABB rhyme scheme including such lines as, “Through adversity and challenge, he stands tall,/Ensuring justice and equity for one and all,/With a commitment to truth and unity,/Joe Biden leads us to a brighter destiny.”

This is concerning, regardless of political leanings.  If people start using these AI programs as sources of information, it is unclear how users will be able to differentiate between bias and no bias, truth, and falsehoods. 

Another problem with chatbots is their lack of current data. Because they rely on information that is stored on the internet, they will not have access to information about new discoveries that haven’t made their way online or aren’t mentioned repeatedly. 

At the same time, chatbots do have access to a variety of different theories, claims, and opinions that are located across the web. So ChatGPT could easily spread these theories like they are facts. 

A study published by,, asked ChatGPT to identify markers of cancer from a collection of pictures, however, “the model learned to identify the presence of a ruler as a marker of malignancy, because that’s much easier than telling the difference between different kinds of lesions.” 

ChatGPT is a great source for answering some questions; however, the current versions have some difficulty with common sense questions or topics. For example, if you asked it how many letters are in the word “5”, it can’t tell you. This may lead to frustration if the user cannot rely on the required information that the chatbot needs to understand their request. 

As a whole, ChatGPT is an amazing example of the power of AI in today’s world; however, like many other significant technological advancements, the pace of their discovery has outrun our ability to understand or regulate their utilization fully. 

While there are significant and practical uses, it is relying too much on trial and error. Regulations need to be put in place to ensure its safe use One of the many ways we can call for action against Chat GPT, is by signing this petition against its misuse. Petition: Stop OpenAi (Chat GPT).

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