Spirit Week is here!
Seniors decked out for America Day.
November 15, 2018
Every year, Hamilton-Wenham Regional High School holds its Spirit Week during the week before Thanksgiving Break. November 15th marks the beginning of Spirit Week this year. Each class has the opportunity to compete with the rest of the school to see which grade has more spirit!
As always, the week kicks off with the hallway decorating contest. During each day of the competition, students will be able to dress up according to a daily theme. The more students that participate, the more points their class will earn. There will also be activities held during lunch and at the end of the day, such as donut-eating, dodgeball, volleyball, and hula-hooping. This year, the sophomore class will be introducing a schoolwide scavenger hunt on Tuesday the 20th. The week will conclude with a pep rally in the gym on November 21st.
The theme days this year are America Day on November 15th, Pajama Day on November 16th, Decades Day on November 19th, Character Day on November 20th, and Class Colors Day on November 21st. For Decades Day, freshmen are the 70s, sophomores are the 60s, juniors are the 80s, seniors are Knights and Princesses, and staff are 90s grunge.

Spirit Week schedule
In addition to the activities during the school day, there will be evening events where class attendance counts towards Spirit Week points. DECA is hosting a talent show on November 15th and Homecoming is the night after. Trivia night will be on Monday the 19th, and the Harvest Concert will be on Tuesday.
Last year, the Class of 2018 won with 310 points and the Class of 2020 came in second with 270 points. The class of 2019 finished third with 195 points, and finally, the Class of 2021 came in last with 175 points.
Based on last year’s results, it could be an interesting competition this year! Will the seniors come out on top, or will the juniors beat them out? Can the sophomores bounce back from last year’s results? Maybe the freshmen will put on a strong performance and surprise us all!