Annual Poetry Day – This Friday, April 12th
April 11, 2019
Do you have any poetry you are proud of? How about a poem from one of your favorite authors? It doesn’t matter whether it’s an original poem or not, you are welcome to read some poetry during the HWRHS annual Poetry Day.
It will be happening on Friday, April 12th and is open to all students, whether you are a freshman about to finish your first year or a senior soon to finish her last, you are encouraged to come down to the lobby and recite some of your favorite poetry. If you wish to read a poem you can sign up for a time slot here.
While standing at a podium reading personal poems might seem like it will attract judgement, it’s actually quite the opposite. Poetry Day is all about acceptance. All spectators are extremely respectful and encouraging to all readers, regardless of age or grade. If you still feel anxious about reading just know that poetry is subjective. Every piece of poetry holds value in one way or another. Poetry Day is not only about poetry. It’s also about respect and understanding for our peers. The respect exerted by the audience is undeniable.
Although Mr. Pape and Mr. Hellman have organized the event, it’s run by the people. Students and staff are on a equal playing field and using poetry to break down walls separating people is beautiful. It doesn’t matter whether you are a varsity athlete or a bookworm, your voice will be heard when you step up and speak.
* Students are expected to maintain the same level of conduct as a normal day of school. Although Poetry Day is great to express yourself, use your better judgement to determine if what you plan on reading is appropriate.