MCAS update: tests now online!


Audrey Wang, Staff Writer

MCAS is a statewide standardized test. Since the Class of 2011, all high school students have been required take tests in certain subjects, as well as passing English and math in order to graduate.  

On March 26th and March 27th, sophomores took their English MCAS. It is the first MCAS that high school students took on a computer. Each student was given a Chromebook and they had to sign in themselves according to a sheet of directions. The Chromebooks were reliable. However, the tests were long and exhausting. One of the students later said, “The articles were not interesting, so it made it very hard to focus all the time.”

Sophomores will also have the Math MCAS on May 21st and May 22nd, 2019. This will be the last MCAS test for the Class of 2021. The result of the English MCAS will also be out at the end of April, which is much faster than other years.

The freshmen will have their first MCAS in high school on June 4th and June 5th, 2019. The biology MCAS will also be on computers.

Many critics think MCAS does not accurately reflect the skills of the teachers and the students since the topics are too narrow, but many think it is a great way to measure the quality of the school. What do you think of MCAS?