2019 Dress up and Dress Down Days of Spirit Week

As Thanksgiving approaches, so does Spirit Week and this year the school couldn’t be more excited. If you are curious about the schedule and want to know what you should get to have the most school spirit, this article is here to help you.

Thursday, November 21, 2019: America Day

America Day is the perfect day to bust out all your red, white, and blue clothing. If you have any clothing with an American flag or the words “U.S.A” on it, wear it! The only restriction is that you are not allowed to wear an actual American flag.

Friday, November 22, 2019: Pajama Day

Pajama Day is the one day a year when it is acceptable to walk around in your comfiest clothing. Everyone is welcome to wear a bathrobe, with other clothes on underneath, bring a blanket, and even wear slippers. The only rule is that your outfit must be school appropriate.

Monday, November 25, 2019: White Out Day

White Out Day is when you should be covered head to toe in all clothes white. White socks, white shoes, white pants, white shirt, white headband. Feel free to put white lines underneath your eyes. The one restriction is that you are not allowed to paint your whole face white.

 Tuesday, November 26, 2019: Character Day

Mrs. Burnett
Audrey Kiarsis and Linnea Schenker personify what is great about Character Day (Spirit Week 2018).

Character Day is when you can dress up as any character you want, they could be from a book, movie, or TV show. For example, you could be Spiderman or Hermione from Harry Potter. There are a couple of restrictions, no weapons or fake weapons are allowed and your outfit must be school appropriate.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019: Class Color Day

Class color day is when you dress in the color that your class has chosen. This is just like white-out day except you are wearing your classes color instead. 

Freshman: Gold & White

Sophomores: Black

Juniors: Red

Seniors: Toga Day/Light Blue

Staff: HW gear