The Generals’ school store, powered by DECA

Ariel Greenberg, Co-Editor, Staff Writer

Do you ever feel that you don’t have enough Generals’ gear to show school spirit? Well with the school store you don’t have to worry about this any more. Everything you need is right at your finger tips.


The Generals’ School Store is a place where all Generals’ merchandise can be purchased. The store is located in the front Lobby of the school and it is run by DECA members. You can stop by before school, during powerblock or after school!


Most of the money made at the store goes to school funds and the rest of it goes to #HWgivesback. The lanyards in particular raise money for #HWgivesback.


The store contains items such as water bottles, Generals’ shirts, sweatpants, HWgives back lanyards, stickers and much more. Right now, all Generals shirts are reduced to only $20.00. Stop by to support your Generals teams!