Books, Shows, Music, and Movies, Oh My! (Ft. Mr. Lawrence)
Katherine Reed’s Book Recommendation: Dare You to Lie, by Amber Lynn Natusch

Sophomore, Katherine Reed says her favorite book is, Dare You To Lie by Amber Lynn Natusch. If you are into mystery/thriller, this is the perfect book to pick up! The book follows the story of teenager Kylene Danners. Kylene has a lot on her plate and is experiencing many stressful changes in her life. Her FBI agent father is framed for murder, and she is forced to move in with her grandfather. Her grandfather lives in the town where everyone turned their backs on her, and most importantly, the boy that betrayed her lives there. Kylene thought she had escaped her past; however, she is forced to move back causing many changes. However, she isn’t going to take on these changes lying down. When asked why she likes this book, Katherine said, “I love how suspenseful it is. It keeps you intrigued. I also love the character, Kylene, which made the book fun to read.” Looking for a suspenseful read in your free time, or for a class? Pick up this book now! You won’t regret it.
Mia Fleury’s Song Recommendation: Ends Of The Earth by Lord Huron

Senior, Mia Fleury says her favorite song is, Ends Of The Earth by Lord Huron. This song is about being young, and excited about exploring the world. Mia says that she listens to this song in the morning to set a good tone for the day, or when she’s driving with friends. This song has a more upbeat electronic kind of vibe that draws listeners in. It’s very unique and very nice to listen to. When asked why she likes this song, Mia said, “I like this song because it makes me feel like I’m in a coming-of-age movie. Also, the artist is very talented and I enjoy a lot of his music.” Mia’s favorite lyric of the song is, “What good is living a life you’ve been given if all you do is stand in one place”. If you are looking for a new song to listen to, and set a nice tone for your day, then go check out Ends Of The Earth on Spotify, Pandora Music, Apple Music, or YouTube Music.
Evan Haughey’s Movie Recommendation: Miracle

Junior, Evan Haughey says a movie he recommends is Miracle. Miracle is a movie that follows the story of college coach Herb Brooks, who is hired to help the 1980 U.S. Men’s Olympic Hockey Team. After selecting a team of hot headed players, who get humiliated in an early match, Coach Brooks unites the team against USA’s biggest rivals, The Soviet Union. The US tries to overcome all the odds against them, and defeat the Soviet team, and win the gold medal. When asked why he likes this movie, Evan said, “I like the movie a lot because it’s about hockey and the United States going against a big rival.” Evan’s favorite part of the movie cannot be shared, due to being a spoiler for those who haven’t watched it, but if you watch this movie, then your favorite part will be the same as Evan’s. You can watch this movie on Disney+, and it is highly recommended!
Cameron McIntosh’s TV Show Recommendation: The Office

Freshman, Cameron McIntosh says his favorite TV show is, The Office. Cameron says he likes it because of the humor the show portrays. This show is already very well-known, and popular with most kids. If you haven’t seen it before, it is a show that you definitely need to see soon. The Office is a show about staff members from Dunder-Mifflin, a paper company, in Scranton Pennsylvania. Each episode is about many different topics, and the characters all have funny relationships to intrigue the viewers. When asked who his favorite character is, Cameron stated, “I like Michael the best because he makes the best jokes, and it makes the show humorous.” This is a show that will brighten up your day, and definitely make you laugh. You can watch it on Hulu, Peacock, Apple TV, and Netflix, or see it on the NBC network when it is occasionally on. If you have never seen The Office before, or want to rewatch a good show in your free time, then this is a great show to see!
Mr. Lawrence’s TV Show Recommendation: Friday Night Lights

Math Teacher, Mr. Lawrence says his favorite TV show series is Friday Night Lights. Friday Night Lights is a show that is mainly about football. Coach Taylor and his family live in Dillion, Texas, and he is the coach of the Panthers. Coach Taylor has to try and manage the football team, and his own family all in one which creates a great show. Mr. Lawrence says he likes the show because it is easy to connect to. Growing up, Mr. Lawrence played football, and now is a coach himself. He also grew up with his father as a coach, so he could connect to everything since Coach Taylor is very similar. Mr. Lawrence said, “watching the show and watching how Coach Taylor acted and helped to develop his players into respectful, mature, and successful young adults was something that I could relate to and connect it to how my dad helped me growing up and develop into the person I am today; along with this it was also one of the reasons I got into coaching and teaching for that matter as well, as a hope that one day I could do that for the players I coach and the students I teach day in and day out.” If you like football, and want to see a relatable family life kind of show, or you’ve seen and liked the show All American, then this is definitely a show you should watch on Prime Video, Apple TV, or Hulu now!

Emily McIntosh is a sophomore at Hamilton Wenham and is a writer for the General Consensus. Emily joined us since she has interest in writing about things...
Gillian Horner is a sophomore at HWRHS and a student journalist for The General Consensus. Writing has always interested Gillian, and she thought journalism...
Clare O’Toole is a freshman at HWRHS and joined the General Consensus recently. Clare wanted to try journalism because she always wanted to write for...